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We love what we do, and it shows!
Play Works Therapies, P.A. is a therapist-owned, private practice in Jacksonville, FL providing Pediatric Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Early Intervention Services to the greater Jacksonville area. Our therapists serve children birth to 18 years of age with a variety of speech/language and occupational concerns.
At Play Works, our goal is to help children achieve their greatest potential through providing quality occupational and speech therapy services while supporting families.

Specializing in services for children with:
Expressive Disorders
Receptive Disorders
Phonological / Articulation Disorders
Apraxia / Dyspraxia
Stuttering / Fluency
Augmentative Communication needs
Feeding / Swallowing Difficulties
Social / Pragmatic Difficulties
Sensory Integration Dysfunction
Oral Motor Difficulties
Fine Motor Delays
Social & Emotional Dysfunction

3663 Crown Point Ct.
Jacksonville, FL 32257

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